PA: Sex predator law challenged by Cosby to get court review

Pennsylvania’s highest court will consider whether the state can lawfully designate certain sex offenders as sexually violent predators, as it’s seeking to do in the case of Bill Cosby.

Cosby’s attorneys also are challenging the constitutionality of the law.

But the state Supreme Court’s decision Tuesday to review the statute was made in response to an appeal by the state in a different case, not Cosby’s challenge. A lower court judge had found the process by which offenders are deemed predators unconstitutional. Full Article

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High profile people like Cosby are our best hope of getting registration looked at seriously by judges.

I wish it could also be the vehicle to get the correct information out to the public regarding the unconstitutionality of sex offender laws and statistics. Unfortunately, that type of correct information doesn’t sell newspapers or generate web clicks.

Did I hear a faint ring of the Liberty Bell? Thank you Keystone State.

It takes money to attack these ridiculous laws- don’t care much for Cosby but if his attorneys can prove unconstitutionality of the SVP it would be wonderful. One state at a time! We need to fight it in California. Wish Cosby lived in California : (

I thought the SVP law was already taken down in Pennsylvania, wasn’t it BUTLER who it was ruled on. I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure it was ruled unconstitutional already.

the tables can also be turned with high profile case(s), anything can happen between now & 2021 (speaking of california mind you) *example* could be another high profile case snd yet something horric happens again and gains wide-wide media attention-pertaining to a child or children, now California has time to alter and switch hands to what was to what it could be,, california to me is on a great track (but my opinion only) and of course respecting each and all opinions.

Hmmm, a silver lining to the conviction of well-known and wealthy individual? Perhaps Mr. Crosby would like to make a very large financial donation to ACSOL?? 🤗🤞👍

Well as of now Act 10 is unconstitutional for the fact they are trying to cram old Megan’s law and Sorna together once again. The facts is the they have people registering before Dec. 20th 2012 and post Dec. 20th. They are trying to have their cake and eat it too. I am challenging the law myself due to Constitutionality of how it’s written. As of right now PSP has failed to update the website, failed to set up pre Dec. 20 phone line for individuals to call for updates, and removing existing info for people that was pre Dec 20th, due to the fact that old Megan’s Law only required our address and schooling nothing else. I will continue to fight to change for our people. And too another idea I have in the bag is that Pennsylvania and other states has laws on Hate Crimes. Well having us labeled and etc isnt that a hate crime in its self?